Our Beliefs
First CRC shares beliefs with Christian churches across the world and through the ages. They are rooted in the Christian Bible which is our sure guide for faith and life. The central figure of the Bible is Jesus, the Son of God, sent into the world to be our teacher, our Saviour and our Lord. He is the Light of the World, the Good Shepherd, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus is why we’re here.
First CRC, belongs to a family called the “Christian Reformed Church.”
- Our “Christian” faith is explained in three classic statements—“creeds”—that we share with churches around the world: the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed. These creeds reflect our unity with Christian people through all ages and all nations.
- As a “Reformed” church we have our roots in the Protestant Reformation. We accept three longer statements of faith—three “confessions” from the era: the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort. These confessions explain how we understand the Bible.
- As a “church” we are a community, a kind of village. We are newborns, toddlers, teens, parents and grandparents. During the week we work on farms, in trades, in shops, classrooms and hospitals. And on Sunday we come together for worship, prayer and a message from the Bible.
but belong—
body and soul,
in life and in death—
to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ
He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious
and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil.
He also watches over me in such a way
that not a hair can fall from my head
without the will of my Father in heaven;
in fact, all things must work together for my
Because I belong to him,
Christ, by his Holy Spirit,
assures me of eternal life
and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready
from now on to live for him.
We are not perfect people, but through Jesus we are forgiven and we are loved and we are challenged to become the people we were meant to be.